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The gluonpilot module's core is the dsPic microcontroller. The hardware and code that runs on this chip takes care of the communications with all peripherals (gyros, pressure sensor, servo's, ...). Learning how to access and use these external hardware components can be a very time consuming task.

  • ADC lib: Uses the dsPic's ADC module to convert analog signals (gyro, accelerometer, ...) to a digital value.
  • button lib: Simple library to read the status of the pushbutton
  • dataflash lib: Used to read and write segments to the dataflash chip
  • FreeRTOS: Contains the FreeRTOS code
  • gps lib: Reads, parses and signals the most common GPS NMEA sentences
  • microcontroller lib: Links to the dsPic's header file that contains all hardware definitions. Also used to configure the oscillator (PLL) to run at 80MHz.
  • ppm_in lib: Library to read in all channels from the RC-receiver
  • pwm_in lib: Reads in 4 PWM-outputs from the RC-receiver
  • scp1000 lib: Uses SPI to read the pressure and temperature of the SCP1000 sensor
  • servo lib: Controls the 6 servo outputs by sending PWM signals the each one of them
  • uart1 lib: Serial in/output port 1 (used to connect to your PC, modem or other perpheral)
  • uart1_queue lib: Same as uart1, except that the input coming from the serial port is queued for later processing using the FreeRTOS queue mechanism
  • uart2 lib: Second serial port, mostly used for the GPS sentences

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